Innovation can be found everywhere, including in the HR function. Well beyond the acquisition of new technologies, it must be at the heart of the values which will carry the company culture into this trend. Innovation makes it possible to develop renewed HR strategies and to use the innovative potential of employees wisely.
When the company makes room for technological solutions and innovation among its strategic priorities, the HR function must adapt and contribute. To do this, ask yourself if the HR function is renewing, analyzing and innovating. Does the HR function promote behaviors that encourage risk-taking associated with innovation?
Don’t innovate whoever wants with any random initiative. To give you a boost in your initiatives, you have a powerful tool in hand: the diagnosis of the current situation. It allows you to gather, sort, compile and transform your company’s data to analyze it and identify areas for improvement for your human resources policies. It is following this step that the potential of employees is harnessed. Involve them in developing new ways of doing things by collecting their ideas, opinions and expertise. You will be surprised by their creativity!
Once innovation is an integral part of the HR strategy, managers and employees must be equipped to deal with change and be ready to bring this new value to life. If you have involved your employees from the start and they have been part of this adventure, an important part of the change management work has already been accomplished! However, certain adjustments will be essential to the success of the project. We are thinking, among other things, of upgrading software that automates repetitive tasks as well as experimenting with new communication tools. Above all, don’t forget to train employees and managers so that they master new knowledge and new tools to achieve the set results.
In conclusion, innovation is everyone’s business and the HR function plays a big role. Through strategies and policies, the HR function influences the entire company. However, it needs employees, managers and senior management to bring innovation to life on a large scale. Use employee skills and abilities to their full potential. You then get an increase in the retention of your workforce. This will greatly contribute to the success of your business.
For a mini-diagnosis of the HR function: