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Mobilization in 5 essential and simple factors

The concept of mobilization in Quebec began more than 20 years ago. However, with current near-full employment and strong competition, mobilization is more important than ever in business. I would even say that it represents the key element to face the challenges and remain competitive in the market.

Before getting to the heart of the matter, I would like to differentiate an employeemobilizedof an employeemotivated. Expressed simply, the motivated employee has personal goals according to his own interests, such as the development of his skills, his professional achievement, his salary increase, his working conditions, etc. A mobilized employee will find their determination through well-defined, stimulating and achievable organizational objectives (think SMART) and through a unifying culture.

To get employees to mobilize, start by communicating and bringing the company’s vision, mission, objectives and values ​​to life in concrete terms. The employee will thus be able to project themselves into the future and take part in something bigger than their personal career path. Do this exercise once or twice a year. Depending on the organization, this exercise might seem easier said than done, I agree, but it is in exercises like these that your culture will stand out from your workforce competitors.

Also ensure that management practices support a collective climate conducive to aligning desired behaviors on a daily basis. It is not enough to transmit a simple message to achieve the expected results. We are talking here about creating a positive psychological state in the employee experience byfive essential and simple factors, be theretrust, THEsupport, therejustice, THEpower to actand theacknowledgement. [1]

So, for an employee to be able to mobilize, they must:

  1. Feel that he can trust his immediate superior and management;
  2. Receive support when they need help both professionally and personally;
  3. Perceive that they are treated fairly and equitably in relation to relational and organizational procedures;
  4. Feel that he has the power to act, that is, a freedom of action requiring very little authorization from a third party;
  5. Feeling that he is recognized and that he is rewarded, monetarily or not, for his efforts.

That said, several other factors can influence an employee to mobilize! And you are encouraged to encourage them as much as possible! However, sharing organizational culture and establishing a healthy psychological climate represent the ultimate foundations. Then, just opt ​​for a little creativity and implement a global and coherent strategy that suits you!


[1]TREMBLAY M., SIMARD G. (2005)Staff mobilization: the art of establishing a favorable climate of exchange based on reciprocity, Management, volume 30, number 2, p. 60 to 68.


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