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Performance: The 5 Ss of teleworking

COVID-19 has brought its share of challenges in terms of employee management and the word “individualization” took on its full meaning. Companies have relaxed certain policies and practices to adapt to the situation and the needs of employees. It was also the discovery of new issues, since several employers had never introduced teleworking before. Managerial skills have therefore never been put to the test so much.

Several tools are available to help managers supervise their staff in this new context. However, I would like to remind you of the5 Ss of teleworking. When taken into consideration, they reduce the impacts of teleworking and allow individuals to remain efficient.


To maintain good psychological balance, your employees must feel safe in your organization. If there have been several layoffs, it is likely that they are living with survivor syndrome. If they still feel like they are inlimboregarding their job security, they will devote their energy to this concern. It is therefore essential to clearly communicate the next steps in the event of a reduction in staff and that your strategy aims to secure employees.


Teleworking requires a reorganization of employees’ lifestyles. Several physical and psychological health problems can result. Employers can no longer ignore the situation since thehealth, including theMental Health, is at the heart of society’s concerns. Establish a quality of life program to help improve the health and well-being of your employees. They will then have the energy necessary to perform.


Salary is a hygiene factor. During the crisis, some employers stood out by continuing their operations and recruiting. Don’t have your employees stolen! Make sure your salary structure is competitive and that your employees know the value of theirtotal compensation package. With this worry less, they will focus on bringing value to your organization.


The structure provides a form of support and a framework for your employees. It allows them to work in full autonomy and with a feeling of confidence. Give them the tools they need (Excel tables, software, Poka Yoke organizational practices, communication platforms, clear objectives, etc.). Don’t leave them in uncertainty. This will make them less efficient and less efficient.


This has been the watchword since the start of the pandemic. However, not all organizations have dared to introduce remote socialization. The concern is valid. Companies don’t want to be invasive of employees’ personal time. Remote socialization can be done in a more formal way through daily or weekly team meetings such aslunch and learnor distance training activities aimed at team consolidation. In short, there are no more excuses to avoid organizing socializing activities!

Would you like to get ourteleworking governance guideor support in harmonizing teleworking practices in your organization? Contact us at:info@icebergm.ca.


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