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Coaching et formation


We awaken Self-awareness so that your key resources become exceptional leaders and ambassadors within their teams.

Coaching as a vector of performance

With more than 200 hours of professional coaching in less than a year, the reputation of Médina Cayer, MBA, Adm.A, CRHA, co-founder of Iceberg Management, precedes her. As a certified NLP coach and organizational development consultant, she quickly gained the trust of companies.s Montrealers and quickly established herself as a reference coach for managers and work teams.

As the economic crisis is in full swing, Medina’s coaching services are in increasing demand.She gave us a moment for an enlightening conversation on coaching as a vector of performance.

What are the different types of coaching available for businesses?

It existsdifferent types of coaching,with varied objectives and formats. I work both at the level of individual coaching with managers and group coaching with work teams.

For individual coaching, I work directly with managers on their internal decision-making processes, their limiting beliefs, their communication skills, their emotional intelligence and their influential leadership.

For group coaching, I am often asked to guide work teams towards a common objective: I evaluate the quality of their interactions, their values, their norms and their power plays.

Le leadership journeyemerged from my field experiences. It is the combination of individual coaching, training workshops and group coaching leading to a greater ability to solve problems and make decisions in harmony.

Coaching is often criticized for its lack of scientific validity, how can you ensure the success of your interventions??

My experience as an entrepreneur, manager and consultant in organizational development allows me to quickly understand the challenges facing managers and to propose an intervention approach that brings change. On the other hand, being an approved human resources advisor (CRHA) and approved administrator (Adm.A), I am under the seal of confidentiality with two codes of ethics to respect.

My MBA in management also provided me with a multitude of tools and models. For example, to observe group dynamics, I use tools likethe Bales grid et the five dysfunctions of a team by Patrick Lencioni. For individual coaching, I prefer psychometric tests with predictive validity combined withJohari’s window.

Finally, success naturally depends on the skill of the coach, but also on the employee’s capacity for introspection and the involvement of the prescriber (the requesting client).

What are the virtues of coaching on business performance?

They are multiple and concrete! This is why all large multinationals employ coaches to develop their teams.

Mainly, coaching allows you to change your mental posture and inner dialogue, which improves decision-making and therefore the management of resources. An excellent leader must have self-confidence and self-esteem. Self-confidence lies in the abilities of the individual. Self-esteem develops through internal monologue and self-respect. These considerations lead to a striking and lasting change in business growth.

Finally, the coach can become an asset for attracting talent. When recruiting, many candidates will be sensitive to the idea of ​​benefiting from this expertise!

Any advice for leaders?

Provide tools to your high potential resources, so that this potential can emerge! In the context of Quebec, many good workers and professionals have been promoted to management positions, but this without ensuring a transition. This discrepancy led toimposter syndromesand conflicts that could have been avoided. Always be proactive, rather than reactive. If you are promoting an employee, make sure they are prepared and empowered to lead.


Médina Cayer
Médina Cayer, MBA, Adm.A., C.M.C, CRHP, ACC

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