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Développement organisationnel


We develop strategic HR programs that create solid and lasting foundations for the growth of your organization.

Let’s think outside the box and combine gamification and appreciation of contribution

Since the employee experience has become essential to retaining and attracting talent, employers have no other choice but to “rack their brains” in order to distinguish themselves and make their employer brand shine in a market. highly competitive. Indeed, the implementation of an HR program marked by rigor and objectivity is, of course, one possible solution. For our client Reptile, the key to standing out was deploying a cutting-edge contribution appreciation program, in line with its very distinct culture which rhymes with pleasure at work, complicity and family spirit. So, let’s think outside the box and combine gamification and appreciation for contribution!

The concept of gamification at the service of a contribution appreciation program

To do this, the Iceberg Management team designed a contribution appreciation program, using the concept of gamification, with the theme of the hero’s quest. Through the process, we transport employees into the gameReptile Alliance. In it,they will have to complete different “tests”. Gamification is “the use of game mechanics, aesthetics and spirit in a non-game context to generate buy-in, motivate action, promote learning and solve problems”. a href=”#_ftn1″ name=”_ftnref1″>[1] Having several benefits, this concept would have the effect of facilitating questioning, encouraging attention and exchanges in addition to creating a strong moment in positive emotion which anchors the training and its effects in the memory.

The Totem board game gives the basics of the game

Like any good video game, entry into this universe begins with the creation of avatars. For this purpose, we used the Montreal game Totem. The whole team loved this first stage in which reconnaissance peers and managers were there! In addition to the benefits that a workshop like this can have on the feeling of belonging, the ultimate and strategic objective behind the creation of an avatar is to depersonalize the role of the employee. Indeed, it allows him to take a more critical look at his contribution within the organization. In addition, this posture helps to receive constructive feedback from your team in an objective manner. Without revealing everything, the subsequent stages of the process correspond to other phases of the quest. This could be the allies test (peer assessment), the cave test (self-assessment). Or, we can find the reward (final assessment with announcement of salary increases and bonuses).

Are you interested in a new appreciation program?

Now I would like to invite you to think about what is happening in your home. Within your organization, does your performance appraisal form gathering dust? Have you thought about taking the pulse to find out what your employees really think? Is your contribution appreciation program well linked to your values? What if this traditional exercise became a pillar for promoting your employer brand?

The Iceberg Management team supports several organizations in the design and review of current contribution appreciation programs that will provide an employee experience that matches your culture! Are you ready for adventure?

[1] Eikos Concepts, “An active and fun pedagogy”, https://eikos-concepts.com/une-pedagogie-active-et- playful/ [consulted March 24, 2023]


Elyse Marineau
Elyse Marineau, CRHP

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