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Solutions for when your managers get bored

Have you noticed lately that something has changed in one of your managers? Less enthusiasm, fewer results, less proactivity and, above all, fewer stars in their eyes on a daily basis. What if your manager is in the middle of a “bore out”? Here are some explanations and, above all, some solutions to help your managers cope.

What is boredom?
Its cousin, burnout, is now a household word. However, although less popular, it’s important to be wary of the vicious “bore out”. Under the guise of “ho, we’re not going to complain. Some managers don’t see themselves sinking into this spiral. Characterized by disinterest in tasks, boredom and demotivation, bore out generally evolves into sadness. It can even lead to anxiety and, like its cousin, depression.

Mobilizing after a bore out
It’s easy to think that getting out of boredom is a simple matter. Increasing the workload so that boredom is no longer an issue should erase this nasty syndrome in no time, right? It’s a little more complicated than that. Once the boredom has set in, it pours a mixture of low self-esteem and loss of self-confidence into the manager. The manager no longer feels capable of rising to the slightest challenge. Knowing that you can’t improvise yourself as a therapist, but that you’re nonetheless eager to find your spirited manager, what can you do?

Professional development and boredom
Your manager needs to take a step back from the situation. He needs to dust off his self-confidence, which has been buried under the self-deprecating words he used during his bore out. Coaching is an excellent way to put the stars back in the manager’s eyes. Thanks to coaching, the manager will have all the space he or she needs to enhance his or her self-esteem. He’ll gain new insights into his inner workings, and develop tools to stimulate himself, enhance his self-esteem and regain his former confidence.

Psychometric tests to counter bore out
Another tool that can effectively stimulate managers is psychometric testing. At Iceberg management, we work with the AtmanCo© psychometric test. AtmanCo© questionnaires are validated by independent researchers and recognized in Canada in the field of psychometric evaluation. Thanks to the results of the AtmanCo© test, Iceberg Management coaches who are certified by AtmanCo© are able to help managers target their talents. Coaches can also share with managers the keys to developing their talents, while capitalizing on some of their characteristics.

Keep bore-out out of your business
As a human resources professional, we urge you to be vigilant. Boredom can easily creep up on people you consider untouchable. Be alert when you perceive the signals presented at the beginning of this article. And feel free to contact us so that we can discuss the various options available to support your managers if bore-out comes knocking at their door. During an initial virtual call, we’ll explore the options that suit you best, and I’ll answer any questions you may have.


I look forward to meeting you.


By Ophélie Terrien, M.Sc., PCC

Editor of the RH Espace Conseils blog – Iceberg Management